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Editors Note: The views and opinions expressed below are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the MMAPressRoom.com or its affiliates.

“Communism is a religion, it’s the religion of Satan,” explains Cornelia Ferreira in a June 4, 2015 VisionLiberty YouTube video titled, “Cornelia Ferreira: The Perestroika Deception Updated.” A troubling prospect in light of the proliferation of communist propaganda inside the Western church; the true extent of the subversion of America from within is legion. Warning of the spiritual implications of what is otherwise thought of as a purely ideological debate, “Now, Our Lady obviously knew that the founders of communism were Satanists and Russia had been chosen to spearhead a ruthless system of world control fueled by Satan’s hatred of the Christian world order.”

“In his 1958 book called ‘Masters of Deceit,’" explains Ferreira, “the FBI head J. Edgar Hoover recognized that communism is a religion. This is what he said, ‘Communism is more than an economic, political, social or philosophical doctrine. It is a way of life, a false materialistic religion. It would strip man of his belief in God and his freedom. Under communism, all would become slaves. America is now the prime target of international communism’ – end of quote.”

“As I mentioned yesterday,” Ferreira goes on to explain, “communism is the invention of Freemasonry and the god of the Freemasons is the devil. And I also mentioned that ‘The Communist Manifesto’ was commissioned by the Illuminati to express Illuminati ideas, Masonic ideas. And that the goal of Masonry is a Lucifer worshipping, socialist, one-world republic totally controlled by Masonry. In other words, the goal is to found and have the kingdom of Satan on earth.”

And exactly how close are we to this, “Lucifer worshipping, socialist, one-world republic totally controlled by Masonry?” If the current political landscape in the United States is any indication – it may be time to call for an exorcist.

“But when we have approximately half of the country that is wanting to install the nation’s top leader in the White House, that has a very fundamentally different view of the legitimacy of government in these institutions like a Kamala Harris, then that portends something all the way down into states, into other offices,” explains constitutional law attorney Jenna Ellis in her October 18, 2024 podcast titled, “Conservatism Moving Forward.”

“And that’s why, not just the power perspective Auron MacIntyre, but this is why it really does typify where the country is headed. And, so on that note, if Kamala Harris does win and she is an avowed, self-described Marxist/socialist," reasons Ellis, "(then) we would, I think, rightly describe her as a communist in terms of her policy; her perspective.”

With approximately half of the country willing to cast their vote for a candidate who openly represents an ideology the United States literally fought the Vietnam War against; quite obviously Lady Liberty has lost her way and clearly needs some help in reestablishing her direction.

“But I hope that as an entire society, in the next four years we can take this as an opportunity to really reshape how Christians think of government,” explains Ellis in her November 13, 2024 podcast titled, “President Trump and the GOP Quickly Filling Leadership Positions.”

“Christians can’t be so entirely focused on politics in government that we forget that our first and primary roles are to be within our family and then of course members of the church,” explains Ellis. “Because if our family were doing what we are called to do and churches were doing what they were called to do, then necessarily politics in this country wouldn’t be nearly as important.“

Going on to highlight a beautiful campaign quote from California congressman Kevin Kiley, “’Government should be run so effectively to protect liberty and freedom, that we as Americans don’t even need to remember that it’s even there.’

“But all of that necessarily means that we don’t look at America and our system totally in isolation of other systems and especially world history. I mean, our founders came from a long legacy and history and tradition and understanding of divine law that is shaped by God himself,” explains Ellis. “That he is the authority; that institutions are created by God for our good and the institutions of government, our civil government, the church government, the family government.

“And that God ordains and establishes for our good how those systems are to function to best serve us individually and also living collectively in a society – truth in community is our definition of civil society in politics. But even necessarily living within a family and also being able to be the best Christians that we can individually.”

Precisely the point where reshaping how Christians think of government is essential if we are to turn this ship around, the traditional American values of liberty and freedom come under direct assault when collectivists, who advocate for a world where the State is viewed as the highest form of authority, attempt to force their worldview on a people who otherwise identify as free men individually.

“First of all, the individualist believes that the rights of the individual must not be obliterated by the desires of the collective or the group. The collectivists on the other hand believe that the group is more important than a single person within it,” explains G. Edward Griffin in the 1969 fireside chat titled, “This is the John Birch Society.”

“The individualist believes that with rights, come responsibilities. And since we insist on individual rights, therefore, we accept the principle of individual responsibility.”

“As a matter of fact,” Griffin goes on to explain, “This is always one sure way to spot who is an individualist and who is a collectivist. The individualist wants to be free to do it himself; the collectivist wants the government to do it for him. He is enamored by government, he idolizes government, he has a fixation on government as the ultimate group mechanism to solve all problems. Now, the reason is because the government is the one group that can legally force everyone to participate. It has the power of taxation, backed by jails and the force of arms if necessary to compel everyone to fall in line. And this leads to the third difference between the two groups, simply stated, the individualist believes in freedom. The collectivist believes in compulsion.”

“The political spectrum concept,” Griffin later goes on to explain, “if it has any meaning at all, is a measurement scale showing all the variations in government ranging from zero at one end to 100-percent at the other. Now, the extremists at the zero-end would be those who advocate no government at all – the anarchists. The extremists at the other end would be those who advocate total government. And who are they?

“Well, the communists of course; but also the Nazis (National Socialists), the fascists and any others. No matter what they may call themselves, if they advocate total government control over the people, they are all by definition – totalitarians. Communism and Nazism are not opposites, call it Right or Left, it makes no difference. They’re both at the same totalitarian end of the political spectrum.”

A sobering lesson in civics for most Americans; transcending both political parties in the United States today while simultaneously bringing into focus the traditionally conservative idea of limited government versus the dangers of a progressively Leftist Big Brother agenda. The proliferation of communist propaganda inside the Western church speaking volumes to the collectivization of the Christian Right in the face of their own demise, as a red death sweeps across the nation with a historical record of seeking to abolish the church entirely. One step closer to a “Lucifer worshipping, socialist, one-world republic totally controlled by Masonry,” the “kingdom of Satan on earth” will increasingly become a reality until Americans as a whole wake up to the fact, “communism is a religion, the religion of Satan.”